Monday, June 4, 2012

Cowlvin the cow


In this project we learned how to create an illustration with our pictures, and make surrealism. I used Brusheezy for a couple brushes. I masked and erased a lot. Also these pictures mean something to me personally, they have a meaning in my life.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pop art

In this project we used Photoshop, Adobe Flash, and Illustrator. We had to use a lot of different layers. It was a fun project but if i could've i would've took more time on them. My pop arts could've been better, but there was a lot to focus on.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Photoshop landscape
With this landscape i took different textures and created trees and a sun. I used the lasso tool to cut the objects out.

Auto Van Gogh landscape
This is the same landscape as the corel painter one but i used the Auto Van Gogh brush to make it this texture.

Corel Painter landscape
My landscape. I used Corel Painter to make the mountains and i used different types of tools, for example sponge, glow and blend.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In this project we worked with colors and mixing them. We learned about complementary colors and analogous colors as well. We also learned what the tints, shades, and tones were in a color.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In this project i learned how to make planets on Photoshop and use different tools to do similar things on Corel painter. I learned how to make stars and create different spaces-capes on both programs.